Saturday, October 3, 2009

the grass is greener on our side of the fence :)

we finally laid our sod! it only took 1.5 hrs thanks to all the help that showed up. there were men carrying sod everywhere! 3500 sq ft of sod laid so quick!!thank you everyone for your help! we will enjoy our yards very much!!! :) (the little dirt patch in the back behind the curbing will be where the playground will be that we plan on getting next spring.) sorry the panoramic pictures kinda look weird and make the yard look all funky. :) it doesn't do it justice of how beautiful it looks!! next spring we will put decorative rock and plants in the front yard behind the curbing


natalie a said...

wow!!!! your yard looks so inviting!!! even the back yard just screams, come and play on me!!! love it!

oh by the way - I'm going to be privatizing my family blog - would you send me your email so I can keep up with you guys:)

I'd hate to miss out on little soph's cute pics :)

Cathy said...

That was fast! It looks so good!!!