I submit that she CANNOT! Sophie has apparently picked up whistling. I whistle at her when I want her attention when she eats. as you can tell from this video she DOES NOT sit still... EVER! so that's why she is so messy... it's like feeding someone while off roading. any who, she tries to whistle and even gets some out... right before I say "good girl" on the video she lets out a couple low whistles. she amazes me how FAST she is picking stuff up. She can wave bye bye and clap and SCREAMS like we are murdering her. I swear we are going to get protective services called on us. She just LOVES to scream her lungs out and then giggles right after.
Yeah, one of my nieces started whistling at 8 months! It's crazy, I couldn't whistle until I was like 8 years old!!
Picky doesn't even describe it! haha Will Derek build my new house too? ;) Wish I had a builder in the fam.
Oh and Cute Sophie! haha
Whistling? That's awesome. What a flippin' cutie!!
Just way too cute for words!
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