Friday, August 15, 2008


Today is Derek's birthay and sophie drew him her first picture. all by herself. (she ate the end of the pen while it moved and wrote hahahah)happy birthday babe! thank you so much for all you do for us. we love you!!! ten reasons i married derek.... 10. he's a mans man. 9. he brings me ice cream. 8. he still thought i was hot when i was a pregnant cow. ahahah 7. he works REALLY hard to provide for our family. 6. my dad ADORES HIM. 5. He cracks me up. even when he makes fun of me... everyday! :) 4. He had an AMAZING family. i love them very much. 3. I find him very attractive. hahah its true. 2. He had a very strong spirit. and the #1 reason is.... that he makes me happier than anything in this world and I have never loved anyone as much as i love him. thanks love!


Paula-Adam said...

that's WAY TOO CUTE!

Ashley said...

That is the cutest picture!