Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gunner forgot his Guns...

gunner apparently brought a knife to a gun fight and lost against a dirt bike.... stinkin dog likes to chase vehicles that pass behind our house and he finally caught one... we took him to the doggy ER late last night and they cleaned up a couple scrapes and cuts that were pretty bad... doctor says he probably has a concusion and maybe a broken or fractured bone on his nose but it could just be swollen. Luckly he is a puppy still and will heal up quickly and easily.... poor little guy though is all disoriented and very mellow and sore. hopefully he gets better soon.


Paula-Adam said...

oh my gosh.....that's sad

Unknown said...

he looks so different from the photo to the right...

get well

natalie a said...

awww - poor thing! I hope he feels better soon!