Friday, January 16, 2009

up up and away!

Ok. so I need ideas ladies. I am flying to Arizona next month to see my sister Macaia (YAY!) while derek is in Reno for a school competition. so I will be flying alone with Sophie... mistake? hahah I hope not! so I am looking for ideas to entertain her in a plane for an hr and a half. keep in mind she has a hard time sitting still. she wants to go go go. so it has to be very interesting for her to sit still. hopefully the flight is not full and I have an extra seat next to me. thank you!!


LeslieK said...

Baby Ambien??? I should get to go on vaca during Reno too...but really, are you opposed to giving her a little children's Benadryl?

Unknown said...

you worry too much...remember I did 6+ hours to go to Hawaii with a 18 month old....portable DVD baby...that did the trick...and maybe suckers...but it's a VERY short biggy.....

the keele's said...

she needs to suck on something. sippy, bottle, binkey anything. i always bring a fun NEW toy for Delila to play with. my flights are 2 hours and i fly like 4 times a year with her ALONE. you will do great. get a movie to watch for her on psp, ipod, portable dvd player. those always work. and also an endless supply of fun treats!! i hope this helps.

natalie a said...

buy her some new toys, but don't let her see them until on the plane. Also bring a favorite book, blanket etc. for comfort and sugar... yes, sugar for a back up plan! Good luck!