Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Have I Dropped?

what do you mothers think? the first Picture is 31 weeks, the second one (in the black shirt) is 35 weeks.


Paula-Adam said...

I think maybe it came out a little and dropped a little too! Exciting!

Mandy said...

I believe you have. Little Sophie is just growing by the minute, ready to come into this world to Mommy and Daddy. :)

Melissa said...

Well there definitely is a baby in there and not a basketball- oh your baby will be here before you know it! You look so cute! It is no fair that you Duris girls look fabulous when you are pregnant- I'm jealous.

Macaia said...

wow, you're really popping out!! You are sooooooo close!!!!

Ashley said...

Yeah it does look like you have a little bit! You look so good! I can't wait to meet her!