Friday, September 5, 2008

2 updates!

so the house is almost done being framed. the only thing left to do is finish putting plywood on the garage doors and put the roof on... we are hoping to finish it all by next weekend when we can get a big crane for the truses... also Sophie is sitting up for good! she is doing an awesome job and sits up VERY well. she has a ton of fun playing with her toys around her when she is sitting up. she goes for minutes at the time until she tries to reach for something really far away and takes a tumble...


Paula-Adam said...

that's AMAZING....I'm impressed....Good job Derek....we'll come help someday with all of our skills....hahahahah

The Kemps said...

Holy cow...they are working hard. I can't believe how much they've gotten done. AWESOME

Macaia said...

Cool!!! My room is the one on the left!!! I called it first!!! JK!!